Master Your Mess: 3 Steps to an Organized Room
Summer's long gone, but some of us are still celebrating the lingering days of sunshine with a lingering laziness to match - and before you know it, a little clutter here and there turns into disorganized anarchy.
Luckily, thanks to extensive Googling and perhaps the crack of a roommate's whip, maintaining a pristine living situation has never been easier, despite the warm, end-of-summer rays whispering, "Take a nap". Here are three crucial steps to keeping your sacred temple of sleep organized and tidy.
1) A Necessary Nightstand
Nightstand's are a vital ingredient for your tidy temple because while they can hold precious items in an orderly and convenient fashion, they can also add busyness and clutter in what otherwise would've been a polished look. Keeping bedside books to a minimum of 6 and clearing your drawer(s) until only nighttime essentials remain, help in beating back hodgepodge. Try to limit to only those particular items you actually use nightly or weekly such as: hand cream, eye mask, six pack of Ballast Point, or whatever else you may deem significant. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth and give your weary eyes a calm view before they close for the day.
2) Clean Off Your Chair
Sometimes I mistake my personal desk chair as a clothes tornado or some sort of mythical laundry-beast. This is due to the fact that oftentimes my desk chair resembles both a clothes tornado and a laundry beast. A great way to turn it back into a chair, is to remove the clothes and other items back to their rightful places. If the pile happens to be last week's attire, put them in a laundry hamper with a lidded top to mask the chaos, until the washing machine has a chance to tackle them. Clothes that are on laundry row inevitably accumulate quickly, but that simple lid maintains the appearance of cleanliness - just don't forget to wash them!
3) Rid The Floor of Footwear
Shoes are the cherries on top of a perfect outfit sundae so why not bask in the full glory of your collection with an easy-to-view organizer! Shoe racks come in many shapes and sizes, whether it's a metal rack shimmering in your closet or canvas shelves cascading down the back of your door, the options are numerous. Support local businesses and check out Encinitas retailer 'The Movin Shoe Runner Store' in Lumberyard Tavern or if you like the picture below, HGTV has great and affordable options.
These three steps are simple and barely take any time, yet they definitely make a difference in keeping your room and not to mention, mind, clean and comfortable.